Tips on how to Troubleshoot a 2005 Chevy Silverado 1Look in the driver's-side footwell. There are going to be a 16-pin plug operating off with the most important wiring harness to the left with the most important fuse panel.
That is the OBD access port.2Plug the OBD scan tool in to the OBD access port, turn the tool on, and then turn the Silverado's ignition towards the "II" position.3Wait for the scan tool to power up auto diagnostics software. If your scan tool has a green (or other color) "Start" button on it, press the "Start" button. Otherwise, wait for the scan tool to retrieve the trouble codes from the computer.
Then, unplug the tool and shut off the ignition.4Press "Menu" on the scan tool Auto diagnostic tools, and scroll through the menu options until you come to one that allows you to access the stored codes on the machine. Select the "Stored Codes" option and reference your Silverado's service manual to translate the engine code. This will pinpoint the problem for you, allowing you to fix your Silverado.
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